Source code for sceptre.cli.helpers

import logging
import sys

from itertools import cycle
from functools import partial, wraps

from typing import Any, Optional
from pathlib import Path

import json
import click
import six
import yaml

from boto3.exceptions import Boto3Error
from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateError

from sceptre.helpers import logging_level
from sceptre.exceptions import SceptreException
from sceptre.stack_status import StackStatus
from sceptre.stack_status_colourer import StackStatusColourer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def catch_exceptions(func): """ Catches and simplifies expected errors thrown by sceptre. catch_exceptions should be used as a decorator. :param func: The function which may throw exceptions which should be simplified. :returns: The decorated function. """ @wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): """ Invokes ``func``, catches expected errors, prints the error message and exits sceptre with a non-zero exit code. In debug mode, the original exception is re-raised to assist debugging. """ try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except ( SceptreException, BotoCoreError, ClientError, Boto3Error, TemplateError, ) as error: if logging_level() == logging.DEBUG: raise write(error) sys.exit(1) return decorated
[docs]def confirmation(command, ignore, command_path, change_set=None): if not ignore: msg = "Do you want to {} ".format(command) if change_set: msg = msg + "change set '{0}' for '{1}'".format(change_set, command_path) else: msg = msg + "'{0}'".format(command_path) click.confirm(msg, abort=True)
[docs]def write( var: Any, output_format: str = "json", no_colour: bool = True, file_path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> None: """ Writes ``var`` to stdout. If output_format is set to "json" or "yaml", write ``var`` as a JSON or YAML string. :param var: The object to print :param output_format: The format to print the output as. Allowed values: \ "text", "json", "yaml" :param no_colour: Whether to colour stack statuses :param file_path: Optional path to a file to save the output """ output = var if output_format == "json": output = _generate_json(var) if output_format == "yaml": output = _generate_yaml(var) if output_format == "text": output = _generate_text(var) if file_path: dir_path = file_path.parent dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(output) return if not no_colour: stack_status_colourer = StackStatusColourer() output = stack_status_colourer.colour(str(output)) click.echo(output)
def _generate_json(stream): encoder = CustomJsonEncoder(indent=4) if isinstance(stream, list): items = [] for item in stream: try: if isinstance(item, dict): items.append(item) else: items.append(yaml.load(item, Loader=CfnYamlLoader)) except Exception: print("An error occured writing the JSON object.") return encoder.encode(items) else: try: return encoder.encode(yaml.load(stream, Loader=CfnYamlLoader)) except Exception: return encoder.encode(stream) def _generate_yaml(stream): kwargs = {"default_flow_style": False, "explicit_start": True} if isinstance(stream, (list, set)): items = [] for item in stream: try: if isinstance(item, dict): items.append(yaml.safe_dump(item, **kwargs)) else: items.append( yaml.safe_dump(yaml.load(item, Loader=CfnYamlLoader), **kwargs) ) except Exception: print("An error occured whilst writing the YAML object.") return yaml.safe_dump( [yaml.load(item, Loader=CfnYamlLoader) for item in items], **kwargs ) elif isinstance(stream, dict): return yaml.dump(stream, **kwargs) else: try: return yaml.safe_loads(stream) except Exception: return stream def _generate_text(stream): if isinstance(stream, list): items = [] for item in stream: try: if isinstance(item, dict): # use keys as headers, and add a blank row if not items: items = [["Stack"]] items[0].extend(list(next(iter(*item.values())))) items.append(["" for _ in range(len(items[0]))]) for k, v in item.items(): for r in item[k]: row = [k] row.extend(list(r.values())) items.append(row) else: items.append(item) except Exception: print("An error occured writing the text object.") col_widths = [max(len(c) for c in b) for b in zip(*items)] rows = [] for row in items: rows.append( "".join([field for field, width in zip(row, cycle(col_widths))]) ) return "\n".join(rows) return stream
[docs]def setup_vars(var_file, var, merge_vars, debug, no_colour): """ Handle --var-file and --var arguments before returning data for the user_variables as required by the ConfigReader and SceptreContext. :param var_file: the var_file list. :type var_file: List[Dict] :param var: the var list. :type var: List[str] :param merge_vars: Merge instead of overwrite duplicate keys. :type merge_vars: bool :param debug: debug mode. :type debug: bool :param no_colour: no_colour mode. :type no_colour: bool :returns: data for the user_variables. :rtype: Dict """ logger = setup_logging(debug, no_colour) return_value = {} def _update_dict(variable): variable_key, variable_value = variable.split("=") keys = variable_key.split(".") def _nested_set(dic, keys, value): for key in keys[:-1]: dic = dic.setdefault(key, {}) dic[keys[-1]] = value _nested_set(return_value, keys, variable_value) if var_file: for fh in var_file: parsed = yaml.safe_load( or {} if merge_vars: return_value = _deep_merge(parsed, return_value) else: return_value.update(parsed) # the rest of this block is for debug purposes only existing_keys = set(return_value.keys()) new_keys = set(parsed.keys()) overloaded_keys = existing_keys & new_keys # intersection if overloaded_keys: message = "Duplicate variables encountered: " if merge_vars: message += "{0}. Using values from: {1}.".format( ", ".join(overloaded_keys), ) else: message += "{0}. Performing deep merge, {1} wins.".format( ", ".join(overloaded_keys), ) logger.debug(message) if var: # --var options overwrite --var-file options, unless a dict and --merge-vars. for variable in var: if isinstance(variable, dict) and merge_vars: return_value = _deep_merge(variable, return_value) else: _update_dict(variable) return return_value
def _deep_merge(source, destination): for key, value in source.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): node = destination.setdefault(key, {}) _deep_merge(value, node) else: destination[key] = value return destination
[docs]def stack_status_exit_code(statuses): if not all(status == StackStatus.COMPLETE for status in statuses): return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def setup_logging(debug, no_colour): """ Sets up logging. By default, the python logging module is configured to push logs to stdout as long as their level is at least INFO. The log format is set to "[%(asctime)s] - %(name)s - %(message)s" and the date format is set to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S". After this function has run, modules should: .. code:: python import logging logging.getLogger(__name__).info("my log message") :param debug: A flag indication whether to turn on debug logging. :type debug: bool :no_colour: A flag to indicating whether to turn off coloured output. :type no_colour: bool :returns: A logger. :rtype: logging.Logger """ if debug: sceptre_logging_level = logging.DEBUG logging.getLogger("botocore").setLevel(logging.INFO) else: sceptre_logging_level = logging.INFO # Silence botocore logs logging.getLogger("botocore").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) formatter_class = logging.Formatter if no_colour else ColouredFormatter formatter = formatter_class( fmt="[%(asctime)s] - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) log_handler = logging.StreamHandler() log_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger("sceptre") logger.addHandler(log_handler) logger.setLevel(sceptre_logging_level) return logger
[docs]def simplify_change_set_description(response): """ Simplies the response from the AWS describe change set API. :param response: The original api response. :type response: dict :returns: A more concise description of the change set. :rtype: dict """ desired_response_items = [ "ChangeSetName", "CreationTime", "ExecutionStatus", "StackName", "Status", "StatusReason", ] desired_resource_changes = [ "Action", "LogicalResourceId", "PhysicalResourceId", "Replacement", "ResourceType", "Scope", ] formatted_response = { k: v for k, v in response.items() if k in desired_response_items } formatted_response["Changes"] = [ { "ResourceChange": { k: v for k, v in change["ResourceChange"].items() if k in desired_resource_changes } } for change in response["Changes"] ] return formatted_response
[docs]def deserialize_json_properties(value): if isinstance(value, str): is_json = (value.startswith("{") and value.endswith("}")) or ( value.startswith("[") and value.endswith("]") ) if is_json: return json.loads(value) return value if isinstance(value, dict): return {key: deserialize_json_properties(val) for key, val in value.items()} if isinstance(value, list): return [deserialize_json_properties(item) for item in value] return value
[docs]class ColouredFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ ColouredFormatter add colours to all stack statuses that appear in log messages. """ stack_status_colourer = StackStatusColourer()
[docs] def format(self, record): """ Colours and returns all stack statuses in ``record``. :param record: The log item to format. :type record: str :returns: str """ response = super(ColouredFormatter, self).format(record) coloured_response = self.stack_status_colourer.colour(response) return coloured_response
[docs]class CustomJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ CustomJsonEncoder is a JSONEncoder which encodes all items as JSON by calling their __str__() method. """
[docs] def default(self, item): """ Returns stringified version of item. :param item: An arbitrary object to stringify. :type item: object :returns: The stringified object. :rtype: str """ return str(item)
CFN_FNS = [ "And", "Base64", "Cidr", "Equals", "FindInMap", "GetAtt", "GetAZs", "If", "ImportValue", "Join", "Not", "Or", "Select", "Split", "Sub", "Transform", ] CFN_TAGS = [ "Condition", "Ref", ] def _getatt_constructor(loader, node): if isinstance(node.value, six.text_type): return node.value.split(".", 1) elif isinstance(node.value, list): seq = loader.construct_sequence(node) for item in seq: if not isinstance(item, six.text_type): raise ValueError("Fn::GetAtt does not support complex datastructures") return seq else: raise ValueError("Fn::GetAtt only supports string or list values") def _tag_constructor(loader, tag_suffix, node): if tag_suffix not in CFN_FNS and tag_suffix not in CFN_TAGS: raise ValueError( "Bad tag: !{tag_suffix}. Supported tags are: " "{supported_tags}".format( tag_suffix=tag_suffix, supported_tags=", ".join(sorted(CFN_TAGS + CFN_FNS)), ) ) if tag_suffix in CFN_FNS: tag_suffix = "Fn::{tag_suffix}".format(tag_suffix=tag_suffix) data = {} yield data if tag_suffix == "Fn::GetAtt": constructor = partial(_getatt_constructor, (loader,)) elif isinstance(node, yaml.ScalarNode): constructor = loader.construct_scalar elif isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode): constructor = loader.construct_sequence elif isinstance(node, yaml.MappingNode): constructor = loader.construct_mapping data[tag_suffix] = constructor(node)
[docs]class CfnYamlLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): pass
CfnYamlLoader.add_multi_constructor("!", _tag_constructor)