Source code for sceptre.hooks.cmd

import subprocess
from sceptre.hooks import Hook
from sceptre.exceptions import InvalidHookArgumentTypeError

[docs]class Cmd(Hook): """ Cmd implements a Sceptre hook which can run arbitrary commands. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Cmd, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self): """ Executes a command through the shell. See hooks documentation for details. :raises: sceptre.exceptions.InvalidHookArgumentTypeError invalid input :raises: CalledProcessError failed command :raises: FileNotFoundError missing shell :raises: PermissionError non-executable shell """ envs = self.stack.connection_manager.create_session_environment_variables() if isinstance(self.argument, str) and self.argument != "": command_to_run = self.argument shell = None elif ( isinstance(self.argument, dict) and set(self.argument) == {"run", "shell"} and isinstance(self.argument["run"], str) and isinstance(self.argument["shell"], str) and self.argument["run"] != "" and self.argument["shell"] != "" ): command_to_run = self.argument["run"] shell = self.argument["shell"] else: raise InvalidHookArgumentTypeError( "A cmd hook requires either a string argument or an object with " "`run` and `shell` keys with string values. " f"You gave `{self.argument!r}`." ) subprocess.check_call(command_to_run, shell=True, env=envs, executable=shell)