Source code for sceptre.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime
from os import sep
from typing import Optional, Any, List, Tuple, Union

import dateutil.parser
import deprecation
import logging
import tempfile

from sceptre.exceptions import PathConversionError
from sceptre import __version__

[docs]def logging_level(): """ Return the logging level. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) return logger.getEffectiveLevel()
[docs]def write_debug_file(content: str, prefix: str) -> str: """ Write some content to a temp file for debug purposes. :param content: the file content to write. :returns: the full path to the temp file. """ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( mode="w", delete=False, prefix=prefix ) as temp_file: temp_file.write(content) temp_file.flush() return
[docs]def get_external_stack_name(project_code, stack_name): """ Returns the name given to a stack in CloudFormation. :param project_code: The project code, as defined in config.yaml. :type project_code: str :param stack_name: The name of the stack. :type stack_name: str :returns: The name given to the stack in CloudFormation. :rtype: str """ return "-".join([project_code, stack_name.replace("/", "-")])
[docs]def mask_key(key): """ Returns an masked version of ``key``. Returned version has all but the last four characters are replaced with the character "*". :param key: The string to mask. :type key: str :returns: An masked version of the key :rtype: str """ num_mask_chars = len(key) - 4 return "".join(["*" if i < num_mask_chars else c for i, c in enumerate(key)])
def _call_func_on_values(func, attr, cls): """ Searches through dictionary or list for objects of type `cls` and calls the supplied function `func`. Supports nested dictionaries and lists. Does not detect objects used as keys in dictionaries. :param attr: A dictionary or list to search through. :type attr: dict or list :return: The dictionary or list structure. :rtype: dict or list """ def func_on_instance(key): if isinstance(value, cls): func(attr, key, value) elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, dict): _call_func_on_values(func, value, cls) if isinstance(attr, dict): for key, value in attr.items(): func_on_instance(key) elif isinstance(attr, list): for index, value in enumerate(attr): func_on_instance(index) return attr Container = Union[list, dict] Key = Union[str, int]
[docs]def delete_keys_from_containers(keys_to_delete: List[Tuple[Container, Key]]): """Removes the indicated keys/indexes from their paired containers.""" list_items_to_delete = [] for container, key in keys_to_delete: if isinstance(container, list): # If it's a list, we want to gather up the items to remove from the list. # We don't want to modify the list length yet, since removals will change all the other # list indexes. Instead, we'll get the actual items at those indexes to remove later. list_items_to_delete.append((container, container[key])) else: del container[key] # Finally, now that we have all the items we want to remove the lists, we'll remove those # items specifically from the lists. for containing_list, item in list_items_to_delete: containing_list.remove(item)
[docs]def normalise_path(path): """ Converts a path to use correct path separator. Raises an PathConversionError if the path has a trailing slash. :param path: A directory path :type path: str :raises: sceptre.exceptions.PathConversionError :returns: A normalised path with forward slashes. :returns: string """ if sep == "/": path = path.replace("\\", "/") elif sep == "\\": path = path.replace("/", "\\") if path.endswith("/") or path.endswith("\\"): raise PathConversionError( "'{0}' is an invalid path string. Paths should " "not have trailing slashes.".format(path) ) return path
[docs]def sceptreise_path(path): """ Converts a path to use correct sceptre path separator. Raises an PathConversionError if the path has a trailing slash. :param path: A directory path :type path: str :raises: sceptre.exceptions.PathConversionError :returns: A normalised path with forward slashes. :returns: string """ path = path.replace("\\", "/") if path.endswith("/") or path.endswith("\\"): raise PathConversionError( "'{0}' is an invalid path string. Paths should " "not have trailing slashes.".format(path) ) return path
[docs]@contextmanager def null_context(): """A context manager that does nothing. This is identical to the nullcontext in py3.7+, but isn't available in py3.6, so providing it here instead. """ yield
[docs]def extract_datetime_from_aws_response_headers( boto_response: dict, ) -> Optional[datetime]: """Returns a datetime.datetime extracted from the response metadata in a boto response or None if it's unable to find or parse one. :param boto_response: A dictionary returned from a boto client call :returns a datetime.datetime or None """ if boto_response is None: return None try: return dateutil.parser.parse( boto_response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPHeaders"]["date"] ) except (KeyError, dateutil.parser.ParserError): # We expect a KeyError if the date isn't present in the response. We # expect a ParserError if it's not well-formed. Any other error we want # to pass along. return None
[docs]def gen_repr(instance: Any, class_label: str = None, attributes: List[str] = []) -> str: """ Returns a standard __repr__ based on instance attributes. :param instance: The instance to represent (`self`). :param class_label: Override the name of the class found through introspection. :param attributes: List the attributes to include the in representation. :returns: A string representation of `instance` """ if not class_label: class_label = instance.__class__.__name__ attr_str = ", ".join( [f"{a}={repr(instance.__getattribute__(a))}" for a in attributes] ) return f"{class_label}({attr_str})"
[docs]def create_deprecated_alias_property( alias_from: str, alias_to: str, deprecated_in: str, removed_in: Optional[str] ) -> property: """Creates a property object with a deprecated getter and a deprecated setter that emit warnings when used, aliasing to their renamed property names. :param alias_from: The name of the attribute that is deprecated and that needs to be aliased :param alias_to: The name of the attribute to alias the deprecated field to. :param deprecated_in: The version in which the property is deprecated. :param removed_in: The version when it will be removed, after which the alias will no longer work. This value can be None, indicating that removal is not yet planned. :return: A property object to be assigned directly onto a class. """ def getter(self): return getattr(self, alias_to) getter.__name__ = alias_from def setter(self, value): setattr(self, alias_to, value) setter.__name__ = alias_from deprecation_kwargs = dict( deprecated_in=deprecated_in, removed_in=removed_in, current_version=__version__, details=( f'It is being renamed to "{alias_to}". You should migrate all uses of "{alias_from}" to ' f"that in order to avoid future breakage." ), ) deprecated_getter = deprecation.deprecated(**deprecation_kwargs)(getter) deprecated_setter = deprecation.deprecated(**deprecation_kwargs)(setter) deprecated_property = property(deprecated_getter, deprecated_setter) return deprecated_property