sceptre package

class sceptre.NullHandler(level=0)[source]

Bases: Handler


Do whatever it takes to actually log the specified logging record.

This version is intended to be implemented by subclasses and so raises a NotImplementedError.


sceptre.connection_manager module


This module implements a ConnectionManager class, which simplifies and manages Boto3 calls.

class sceptre.connection_manager.ConnectionManager(region, profile=None, stack_name=None, sceptre_role=None, sceptre_role_session_duration=None, *, session_class=<class 'boto3.session.Session'>, get_envs_func=<function ConnectionManager.<lambda>>)[source]

Bases: object

The Connection Manager is used to create boto3 clients for the various AWS services that Sceptre needs to interact with.

  • profile (Optional[str]) – The AWS credentials profile that should be used.

  • sceptre_role (Optional[str]) – The sceptre_role that should be assumed in the account.

  • stack_name (Optional[str]) – The CloudFormation stack name for this connection.

  • region (str) – The region to use.

  • sceptre_role_session_duration (Optional[int]) – The duration to assume the specified sceptre_role per session.

call(service, command, kwargs=None, profile='[STACK DEFAULT]', region='[STACK DEFAULT]', stack_name=None, sceptre_role='[STACK DEFAULT]', *, iam_role='[STACK DEFAULT]')[source]

Makes a thread-safe Boto3 client call.

Equivalent to boto3.client(<service>).<command>(**kwargs).

Note regarding the profile, region, and sceptre_role parameters:
We will interpret each parameter individually this way:
* If the value passed is the STACK_DEFAULT constant, we’ll assume it to mean we ought
to use the target stack’s value of that parameter.
* If the value passed is None, we will interpret that as an explicit request to nullify
the target stack’s setting. Note: While this is valid for profile and sceptre_role,
it will likely blow up if doing this for region, since AWS almost always requires that.
* Otherwise, any value that has been specified will override the target stack’s
configuration, regardless of what has been passed for other parameters.
* In the case that None has been specified for all parameters, that will be
interpreted as using the target stack’s values for all three, falling back to the
current stack.
  • service (str) – The Boto3 service to return a client for.

  • command (str) – The Boto3 command to call.

  • kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) – The keyword arguments to supply to <command>.

  • profile (Optional[str]) – The profile to use when invoking the command; Defaults to the stack’s configuration

  • region (Optional[str]) – The region to use when invoking the command; Default’s to the stack’s configuration

  • stack_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the stack whose configuration to use. Defaults to the current stack

  • sceptre_role (Optional[str]) – The IAM Role ARN to assume in order to invoke the command; Defaults to the stack’s configuration.

  • iam_role (Optional[str]) – DEPRECATED. Use sceptre_role instead.


The response from the Boto3 call.

create_session_environment_variables(profile='[STACK DEFAULT]', region='[STACK DEFAULT]', sceptre_role='[STACK DEFAULT]', include_system_envs=True)[source]

Creates the standard AWS environment variables that would need to be passed to a subprocess in a hook, resolver, or template handler and allow that subprocess to work with the currently configured session.

The environment variables returned by this method should be everything needed for subprocesses to properly interact with AWS using the ConnectionManager’s configurations for profile, sceptre_role, and region. By default, they include the other process environment variables, such as PATH and any others. If you do not want the other environment variables, you can toggle these off via include_system_envs=False.

Notes on including system envs:
environment variables (if they are set in the Sceptre process) will be overwritten in
the returned dict with the correct values from the newly created Session.
* If the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variable is currently set for the process, this
will be overwritten with the new session’s token (if there is one) or removed from the
returned environment variables dict (if the new session doesn’t have a token).
  • profile (Optional[str]) – The name of the AWS Profile as configured in the local environment. Passing None will result in no profile being specified. Defaults to the ConnectionManager’s configured profile (if there is one).

  • region (Optional[str]) – The AWS Region the session should be configured with. Defaults to the ConnectionManager’s configured region.

  • sceptre_role (Optional[str]) – The IAM role ARN that is assumed using STS to create the session. Passing None will result in no IAM role being assumed. Defaults to the ConnectionManager’s configured sceptre_role (if there is one).

  • include_system_envs (bool) – If True, will return a dict with all the system environment variables included. This is useful for creating a complete dict of environment variables to pass to a subprocess. If set to False, this method will ONLY return the relevant AWS environment variables. Defaults to True.

Return type

Dict[str, str]


A dict of environment variables with the appropriate credentials available for use.

get_session(profile='[STACK DEFAULT]', region='[STACK DEFAULT]', sceptre_role='[STACK DEFAULT]', *, iam_role='[STACK DEFAULT]')[source]

Returns a boto3 session for the targeted profile, region, and sceptre_role.

For each of profile, region, and sceptre_role, these values will default to the ConnectionManager’s configured default values (which correspond to the Stack’s configuration). These values can be overridden, however, by passing them explicitly.

  • profile (Optional[str]) – The name of the AWS Profile as configured in the local environment. Passing None will result in no profile being specified. Defaults to the ConnectionManager’s configured profile (if there is one).

  • region (Optional[str]) – The AWS Region the session should be configured with. Defaults to the ConnectionManager’s configured region.

  • sceptre_role (Optional[str]) – The IAM role ARN that is assumed using STS to create the session. Passing None will result in no IAM role being assumed. Defaults to the ConnectionManager’s configured sceptre_role (if there is one).

  • iam_role (Optional[str]) – An alias for sceptre_role; Deprecated in v4.0.0 and will be removed in v5.0.0.

Return type



The Boto3 session.



property iam_role

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: This will be removed in 5.0.0. It is being renamed to “sceptre_role”. You should migrate all uses of “iam_role” to that in order to avoid future breakage.

property iam_role_session_duration

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: This will be removed in 5.0.0. It is being renamed to “sceptre_role_session_duration”. You should migrate all uses of “iam_role_session_duration” to that in order to avoid future breakage.

sceptre_role_session_duration = 0

sceptre.context module


This module implements the SceptreContext class which holds details about the paths used in a Sceptre project.

class sceptre.context.SceptreContext(project_path, command_path, command_params=None, user_variables=None, options=None, output_format=None, no_colour=False, ignore_dependencies=False, full_scan=False)[source]

Bases: object

SceptreContext is a place that holds data that is relevant to the project, including references to the project paths such as the path to your Sceptre project, templates path, config path, and the default names for your configuration files.

  • project_path (str) – Absolute path to the base sceptre project folder

  • command_path (str) – The relative path to either StackGroup or Stack.

  • user_variables (dict) – Used to replace the value of anyvitem in a Config file with a value defined by the CLI flag or in a YAML variable file

  • options (dict) – The options specified in by the CLI command

  • output_format (str) – Specify the output format. Available formats: [yaml, json]

  • no_colour (bool) – Specify whether colouring should be used in the CLI output

  • full_scan (bool) – Specify whether folder scan the config files True for scan all the config files and False for scan only in the command path


Creates a new, deep clone of the context with all the same values.

Return type



Returns True if the command path is a file.


True if the command path is a file

Return type



Returns the command path in the format: project_path/config_path/command_path.


The absolute path to the path that will be executed

Return type



Returns the config path in the format: project_path/config_path.


The absolute path to the config directory

Return type



Returns the templates path in the format: project_path/templates_path.


The absolute path to the templates directory

Return type


sceptre.exceptions module

exception sceptre.exceptions.CannotPruneStackError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when an obsolete stack cannot be pruned because another stack depends on it that is not itself obsolete.

exception sceptre.exceptions.CannotUpdateFailedStackError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a failed stack is updated.

exception sceptre.exceptions.CircularDependenciesError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if there are circular dependencies

exception sceptre.exceptions.ConfigFileNotFoundError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a config file does not exist.

exception sceptre.exceptions.DependencyDoesNotExistError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a dependency cannot be found

exception sceptre.exceptions.DependencyStackMissingOutputError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if a dependency stack does not have the correct outputs.

exception sceptre.exceptions.DependencyStackNotLaunchedError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a dependency stack has not been launched

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidAWSCredentialsError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when AWS credentials are invalid.

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidConfigFileError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a config file lacks mandatory keys.

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidHookArgumentSyntaxError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if a hook’s argument syntax is invalid.

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidHookArgumentTypeError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if a hook’s argument type is invalid.

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidHookArgumentValueError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if a hook’s argument value is invalid.

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidResolverArgumentError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Indicates a resolver argument is invalid in some way.

exception sceptre.exceptions.InvalidSceptreDirectoryError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if a sceptre directory is invalid.

exception sceptre.exceptions.PathConversionError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a path is unable to be converted.

exception sceptre.exceptions.ProjectAlreadyExistsError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when Sceptre project already exists.

exception sceptre.exceptions.ProtectedStackError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised upon execution of an action under active protection

exception sceptre.exceptions.RetryLimitExceededError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if the request limit is exceeded.

exception sceptre.exceptions.SceptreException[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for all Sceptre errors

exception sceptre.exceptions.StackDoesNotExistError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a stack does not exist.

exception sceptre.exceptions.TemplateHandlerArgumentsInvalidError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when the arguments passed to a Template Handler do not adhere to the specified JSON schema.

exception sceptre.exceptions.TemplateHandlerNotFoundError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a Template Handler of a certain type is not found

exception sceptre.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised when a Template file is not found

exception sceptre.exceptions.TemplateSceptreHandlerError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if sceptre_handler() is not defined correctly in the template.

exception sceptre.exceptions.UnknownHookTypeError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if an unrecognised hook type is received.

exception sceptre.exceptions.UnknownStackChangeSetStatusError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if an unknown stack change set status is received.

exception sceptre.exceptions.UnknownStackStatusError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if an unknown stack status is received.

exception sceptre.exceptions.UnsupportedTemplateFileTypeError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if an unsupported template file type is used.

exception sceptre.exceptions.VersionIncompatibleError[source]

Bases: SceptreException

Error raised if configuration incompatible with running version.

sceptre.helpers module

sceptre.helpers.create_deprecated_alias_property(alias_from, alias_to, deprecated_in, removed_in)[source]

Creates a property object with a deprecated getter and a deprecated setter that emit warnings when used, aliasing to their renamed property names.

  • alias_from (str) – The name of the attribute that is deprecated and that needs to be aliased

  • alias_to (str) – The name of the attribute to alias the deprecated field to.

  • deprecated_in (str) – The version in which the property is deprecated.

  • removed_in (Optional[str]) – The version when it will be removed, after which the alias will no longer work. This value can be None, indicating that removal is not yet planned.

Return type



A property object to be assigned directly onto a class.


Removes the indicated keys/indexes from their paired containers.


Returns a datetime.datetime extracted from the response metadata in a boto response or None if it’s unable to find or parse one. :type boto_response: dict :param boto_response: A dictionary returned from a boto client call :returns a datetime.datetime or None

Return type


sceptre.helpers.gen_repr(instance, class_label=None, attributes=[])[source]

Returns a standard __repr__ based on instance attributes. :type instance: Any :param instance: The instance to represent (self). :type class_label: Optional[str] :param class_label: Override the name of the class found through introspection. :type attributes: List[str] :param attributes: List the attributes to include the in representation. :rtype: str :returns: A string representation of instance

sceptre.helpers.get_external_stack_name(project_code, stack_name)[source]

Returns the name given to a stack in CloudFormation. :param project_code: The project code, as defined in config.yaml. :type project_code: str :param stack_name: The name of the stack. :type stack_name: str :returns: The name given to the stack in CloudFormation. :rtype: str


Return the logging level.


Returns an masked version of key.

Returned version has all but the last four characters are replaced with the character “*”.


key (str) – The string to mask.


An masked version of the key

Return type



Converts a path to use correct path separator. Raises an PathConversionError if the path has a trailing slash. :param path: A directory path :type path: str :raises: sceptre.exceptions.PathConversionError :returns: A normalised path with forward slashes. :returns: string


A context manager that does nothing. This is identical to the nullcontext in py3.7+, but isn’t available in py3.6, so providing it here instead.


Converts a path to use correct sceptre path separator. Raises an PathConversionError if the path has a trailing slash. :param path: A directory path :type path: str :raises: sceptre.exceptions.PathConversionError :returns: A normalised path with forward slashes. :returns: string

sceptre.helpers.write_debug_file(content, prefix)[source]

Write some content to a temp file for debug purposes.


content (str) – the file content to write.

Return type



the full path to the temp file.

sceptre.stack module


This module implements a Stack class, which stores a Stack’s data.

class sceptre.stack.Stack(name, project_code, region, template_path=None, template_handler_config=None, template_bucket_name=None, template_key_prefix=None, required_version=None, parameters=None, sceptre_user_data=None, hooks=None, s3_details=None, sceptre_role=None, iam_role=None, dependencies=None, cloudformation_service_role=None, role_arn=None, protected=False, tags=None, external_name=None, notifications=None, on_failure=None, disable_rollback=False, profile=None, stack_timeout=0, sceptre_role_session_duration=None, iam_role_session_duration=None, ignore=False, obsolete=False, stack_group_config=None, config=None)[source]

Bases: object

Stack stores information about a particular CloudFormation Stack.

  • name (str) – The name of the Stack.

  • project_code (str) – A code which is prepended to the Stack names of all Stacks built by Sceptre.

  • template_path (Optional[str]) – The relative path to the CloudFormation, Jinja2, or Python template to build the Stack from. If this is filled, template_handler_config should not be filled. This field has been deprecated since version 4.0.0 and will be removed eventually.

  • template_handler_config (Optional[dict]) – Configuration for a Template Handler that can resolve its arguments to a template string. Should contain the type property to specify the type of template handler to load. Conflicts with template_path.

  • region (str) – The AWS region to build Stacks in.

  • template_bucket_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the S3 bucket the Template is uploaded to.

  • template_key_prefix (Optional[str]) – A prefix to the key used to store templates uploaded to S3

  • required_version (Optional[str]) – A PEP 440 compatible version specifier. If the Sceptre version does not fall within the given version requirement it will abort.

  • parameters (Optional[dict]) – The keys must match up with the name of the parameter. The value must be of the type as defined in the template.

  • sceptre_user_data (Optional[dict]) – Data passed into sceptre_handler(sceptre_user_data) function in Python templates or accessible under sceptre_user_data variable within Jinja2 templates.

  • hooks (Optional[Hook]) – A list of arbitrary shell or python commands or scripts to run.

  • s3_details (Optional[dict]) – Details used for uploading templates to S3.

  • dependencies (Optional[List[Stack]]) – The relative path to the Stack, including the file extension of the Stack.

  • cloudformation_service_role (Optional[str]) – The ARN of a CloudFormation Service Role that is assumed by CloudFormation to create, update or delete resources.

  • protected (bool) – Stack protection against execution.

  • tags (Optional[dict]) – CloudFormation Tags to be applied to the Stack.

  • external_name (Optional[str]) – The real stack name used for CloudFormation

  • notifications (Optional[List[str]]) – SNS topic ARNs to publish Stack related events to. A maximum of 5 ARNs can be specified per Stack.

  • on_failure (Optional[str]) – This parameter describes the action taken by CloudFormation when a Stack fails to create.

  • disable_rollback – If True, cloudformation will not rollback on deployment failures

  • iam_role (Optional[str]) – The ARN of a role for Sceptre to assume before interacting with the environment. If not supplied, Sceptre uses the user’s AWS CLI credentials. This field has been deprecated since version 4.0.0 and will be removed eventually.

  • sceptre_role (Optional[str]) – The ARN of a role for Sceptre to assume before interacting with the environment. If not supplied, Sceptre uses the user’s AWS CLI credentials.

  • iam_role_session_duration (Optional[int]) – The duration in seconds of the assumed IAM role session. This field has been deprecated since version 4.0.0 and will be removed eventually.

  • sceptre_role_session_duration (Optional[int]) – The duration in seconds of the assumed IAM role session.

  • profile (Optional[str]) – The name of the profile as defined in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials.

  • stack_timeout (int) – A timeout in minutes before considering the Stack deployment as failed. After the specified timeout, the Stack will be rolled back. Specifying zero, as well as omitting the field, will result in no timeout. Supports only positive integer value.

  • ignore – If True, this stack will be ignored during launches (but it can be explicitly deployed with create, update, and delete commands.

  • obsolete – If True, this stack will operate the same as if ignore was set, but it will also be deleted if the prune command is invoked or the –prune option is used with the launch command.

  • sceptre_role_session_duration – The session duration when Scetre assumes a role. If not supplied, Sceptre uses default value (3600 seconds)

  • stack_group_config (Optional[dict]) – The StackGroup config for the Stack

  • config (Optional[dict]) – The complete config for the stack. Used by dump config.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may BE a single Resolver object. If it is a resolver, it will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolved, the resolved value will replace the resolver on the stack in order to avoid redundant resolutions.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.

property connection_manager: ConnectionManager

Returns the ConnectionManager for the stack, creating it if it has not yet been created.

Return type





This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may contain Hook objects. Used to setup Hooks when added as a attribute. Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.

property iam_role

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: It is being renamed to “sceptre_role”. You should migrate all uses of “iam_role” to that in order to avoid future breakage.

property iam_role_session_duration

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: It is being renamed to “sceptre_role_session_duration”. You should migrate all uses of “iam_role_session_duration” to that in order to avoid future breakage.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may CONTAIN Resolver objects. Resolvers will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolvers are resolved, they will be replaced in the container with their resolved value, in order to avoid redundant resolutions.

Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may CONTAIN Resolver objects. Resolvers will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolvers are resolved, they will be replaced in the container with their resolved value, in order to avoid redundant resolutions.

Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.

property role_arn

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: It is being renamed to “cloudformation_service_role”. You should migrate all uses of “role_arn” to that in order to avoid future breakage.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may CONTAIN Resolver objects. Resolvers will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolvers are resolved, they will be replaced in the container with their resolved value, in order to avoid redundant resolutions.

Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may BE a single Resolver object. If it is a resolver, it will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolved, the resolved value will replace the resolver on the stack in order to avoid redundant resolutions.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.

sceptre_role_session_duration = None

This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may CONTAIN Resolver objects. Resolvers will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolvers are resolved, they will be replaced in the container with their resolved value, in order to avoid redundant resolutions.

Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may CONTAIN Resolver objects. Resolvers will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolvers are resolved, they will be replaced in the container with their resolved value, in order to avoid redundant resolutions.

Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.

property template

Returns the CloudFormation Template used to create the Stack.


The Stack’s template.

Return type



This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may BE a single Resolver object. If it is a resolver, it will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolved, the resolved value will replace the resolver on the stack in order to avoid redundant resolutions.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.


This is a descriptor class used to store an attribute that may CONTAIN Resolver objects. Resolvers will be resolved upon access of this property. When resolvers are resolved, they will be replaced in the container with their resolved value, in order to avoid redundant resolutions.

Supports nested dictionary and lists.


name (str) – Attribute suffix used to store the property in the instance.

property template_path: str

The path argument from the template_handler config. This field is deprecated as of v4.0.0 and will be removed in v5.0.0.

Deprecated since version 4.0.0: Use the template Stack Config key instead.

Return type


sceptre.stack_status module


This module implemets structs for simplified Stack status and simplified ChangeSet status values.

class sceptre.stack_status.StackChangeSetStatus[source]

Bases: object

StackChangeSetStatus stores simplified ChangeSet statuses.

DEFUNCT = 'defunct'
PENDING = 'pending'
READY = 'ready'
class sceptre.stack_status.StackStatus[source]

Bases: object

StackStatus stores simplified Stack statuses.

COMPLETE = 'complete'
FAILED = 'failed'
IN_PROGRESS = 'in progress'
PENDING = 'pending'

sceptre.stack_status_colourer module


This module implements a StackStatusColourer class, colours any Stack Statuses found in a given string.

class sceptre.stack_status_colourer.StackStatusColourer[source]

Bases: object

StackStatusColourer adds colours to stack statuses. These are documented here:


Colours all Stack Statueses in string.

The colours applied are defined in sceptre.stack_status_colourer.StackStatusColourer.STACK_STATUS_CODES


string (str) – A string to colour.


The string with all stack status values coloured.

Return type


sceptre.template module


This module implements a Template class, which stores a CloudFormation template and implements methods for uploading it to S3.

class sceptre.template.Template(name, handler_config, sceptre_user_data, stack_group_config, connection_manager=None, s3_details=None)[source]

Bases: object

Template represents an AWS CloudFormation template. It is responsible for loading, storing and optionally uploading local templates for use by CloudFormation.

  • name (str) – The name of the template. Should be safe to use in filenames and not contain path segments.

  • handler_config (dict) – The configuration for a Template handler. Must contain a type.

  • sceptre_user_data (dict) – A dictionary of arbitrary data to be passed to a handler function in an external Python script.

  • stack_group_config (dict) – The StackGroup config for the Stack.

  • connection_manager (sceptre.connection_manager.ConnectionManager) –

  • s3_details (dict) –

property body

Represents body of the CloudFormation template.


The body of the CloudFormation template.

Return type



Returns the CloudFormation template location.

Uploads the template to S3 and returns the object’s URL, or returns the template itself.


The boto call parameter for the template.

Return type



Uploads the template to bucket_name and returns its URL.

The Template is uploaded with the bucket_key.


The URL of the Template object in S3.

Return type


